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We got here safely Tues and were able to start setting up first thing Wednesday.  We usually complain about being stuck in the back of the market floor, but since we are very close to the loading dock it made things easier.  For this show we bought a lot of new display hardware, and we’re really grateful that our son Evan and his friend Tina were there to help us figure it out for the first time.

We had been told that this was the biggest Stitches show, and everything we had heard was correct.  It’s true, and if you are anywhere west of the Rockies you absolutely MUST go to this show.

Best sellers Thursday evening and today:  Super 10 Cotton (that’s no big surprise), Trendsetter Bodega novelty yarn, Improv, and KA exchangeable needle sets.  But we have sold some of just about everything.  Tonight was the fashion show; we have 5 garments.  We’ll see if they create some excitement for tomorrow!!

Another update plus pics coming

Stitches West Ho!!

We left Sunday about noon from Jackson, and wouldn’t you know it? We had a spectacular animal encounter almost immediately.  This is what we saw about 25 miles south of home:

Mountain Goats


These mountain goats are always a welcome sight.  They’re very impressive animals, very calm and very big.

They’re also cute– see the face on the juvenile in the photo on the right?





Anyway, we had off and on snow until we got to Salt Lake, but managed to make it across the salt flats to Wendover before stopping for the night.  The entire trip has been filled with gorgeous scenery.

Yesterday, we drove to  Sparks NV, where we picked up some new display for our booths.  On a whim, I checked the customer list and found we have one customer in Sparks!  So we decided to do our best imitation of Publisher’s Clearinghouse, and we showed up on the doorstep of Mary F., and presented her with a little gift!  You should have seen the look on her face.  It was fun.

So we have made it here to Santa Clara a little while ago, and checked into the hotel, and are anticipating getting a good start on the set-up tomorrow.  It was an easy drive broken into 3 days.  Stay tuned for more updates from Stitches West!


I just cannot believe how fast the time seems to go by right now. Every day I’m farther behind than the day before: more new products to get up on the website, more inventory reconciliation, more everything. And at the same time I’m worrying about getting organized for Stitches West and other shows. We are way behind schedule. Gosh.
You should see the state of my house–Thank heavens we don’t yet know a lot of people here who will “drop in.”

What a grand time we had in Atlanta! An incredible amount of work, but also a huge, huge ton of fun.

This year we also took a truck down, but in addition to the Super 10 Cotton we also took linen blends, silk blends, other cotton blends, plus several different lace yarns and our Elysium silk/cashmere blend. Lots of magazines, patterns, Trendsetter novelty yarn, and needles too.

I never imagined we would be part of the “Yarnie Elite” but when the Ravelry crew announced they would be going to Stitches South, we jumped at the opportunity to help with their party on Thursday night after the Market Preview. We signed on as “Cashmere Sponsor” and found ourselves in the same company as Webs, Skacel and Trendsetter!

See–we’re right there just above Bob’s right ear!

There were about 350 Ravelers who came for a relaxing beverage,  a  little late noshing, a chance to meet Jess, Casey and the rest of the   Ravelry crew, as well as a chance to win a door prize (there were lots!)

Not only were Jess and Casey there, but also Mary-Heather, of course, and a new member of the Ravelry team, Sara.  All of them are just the nicest people you would ever want to meet.  I don’t know how they do it .

And it was even more fun when they came by the booth–take a look!

Rav at the booth

Isn't is weird how tall they all are?

What a grand time we had–we’ll be anxious for the next time.

More later,

