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For those of you who don’t live on the East coast, you may not know, but we have been having a record-breaking snow in the Mid-Atlantic. DC has 30″, Baltimore 27″, Philly 26″–it has been simply incredible.

It started Friday about noon. It increased in intensity through the day and until mid-morning today, Saturday (2/6), when it finally began to lighten just a bit. It seems to have quit altogether now, and it’s 7pm.

The Big Snow

Deep enough for ya????

As most of you know, I grew up in Wyoming, and as a child I learned all about being “snowed in.” We always considered it a luxury–you can’t get out, go anywhere, do anything, and no one can complain that you’re lazy. So you do anything you want–my favorite activity for being snowed in is always jigsaw puzzles. Completely unproductive, yet entertaining.

Of course you could knit, too.  Which I am, in fact, doing with some Lang samples for the Spring & Summer season.  We will be taking some of these yarns to Stitches South in Atlanta in April.
