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We had a very, very good time at Stitches South, and will probably go again. Where to start? Well, at the beginning wouldn’t hurt.

We rented a truck, loaded it up, and headed out for Atlanta from here in Maryland. It was an enjoyable trip, mostly because we took the western route down the Shenandoah valley, along side the Appalachian mountains, instead of the “citified” route. When we started in Baltimore on Tuesday, the redbud trees were just showing buds, but the farther south we got, the bigger the blooms, then the dogwoods in bloom, and poppies, like this:

dogwoods & poppies

dogwoods & poppies

We have to admit we were tired by the time we got to Atlanta on Wednesday. We found the Cobb Galleria, pulled in, and with one false start managed to unload the truck with not too much trouble. It was the beginning of the set-up that gave us fits– I had this GREAT idea, right? We would arrange all the Super10 in a spectrum–a rainbow–of color. Wonderful!! We started…….. we kept trying….. we gave up. The 130+ colors might have been arranged that way years ago, but now they’re all mixed. We wound up going back to the numerical order. Well, live and learn, right? 🙂 We wound up admitting exhaustion and collapsing in bed.

More tomorrow….
