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I just cannot believe how fast the time seems to go by right now. Every day I’m farther behind than the day before: more new products to get up on the website, more inventory reconciliation, more everything. And at the same time I’m worrying about getting organized for Stitches West and other shows. We are way behind schedule. Gosh.
You should see the state of my house–Thank heavens we don’t yet know a lot of people here who will “drop in.”

We have had so many problems with this move, very disappointing.  There were personal things lost, but also boxes of items.

The movers lost a box with all the Stitch Diva patterns & books in it–those of you who have pending orders already know about this.  Right now I can’t link the website page, but if you haven’t seen these designs you are missing a lot.  If you usually knit, these patterns will make you want to learn crochet, and also the reverse–if you crochet you will want to learn to knit.  And everyone will want to try hairpin lace and Tunisian too!!

Out of frustration, I ended up calling Jennifer Hansen (the Stitch Diva) and just ordering some of everything she has currently available, so I suspect we will have some new Stitch Diva designs that we haven’t carried before.

Not such a bad thing after all, considering.


Ludington, MI is on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan, and home of the SS Badger Car Ferry that traverses the Lake to Manitowoc WI.  We thought this might be a nice little relaxing respite from all the driving.  And it was–it was delightful, although quite windy.  But that didn’t stop 2 knitters I saw on the bow area of the top deck from stitching away!  One was working on EZ’s Baby Surprise Jacket, and the other was half way through a Transverse Jacket, knit from side to side.

Anyway, here’s some of the scenery from the cruise …

View from the deck...


Seriously, there were wonderful views of the shore during departure & arrival, and a sailing regatta with race, that we got to watch.  The vibrant colors of the sails against the misty surface were truly enervating and delightful.

Next, day 4

OH —  MY — GOODNESS!  The Midwest is caught under a dome of sweltering, oppressive heat.  It must be record-setting.

We left early this morning, and stopped early too.  We’re now in Sioux Falls, SD, it’s 102 with high humidity so the heat index is 115-120, and it’s 5 pm.  Arrrgggghhhhhhh.  We’re hoping it will be easier as the weather moves eastward and we continue to move west.


Yes we finally got completely packed up, moved out and on the road!  Packing & loading day (Thursday) was a real trial, with all the people everywhere, constant questions, and complete confusion!

Fortunately we had all the yarn in the warehouse ready to go, so that part was pretty smooth, but still it filled up more of the truck than the movers had expected, so there was some last minute reorganization.  By the time the last truck left the house at 7:30 pm, I was thoroughly frazzled and both of us were exhausted.   Poor Sadie, she was beside herself with all the people and activity all over her house.  But she survived.

Day 1:  A big let-down — anti-climax I should say.  Pack up the cars, sweep out the house, all those stupid last-minute things that take forever!  Finally on the road at noon, we headed for Cleveland.  The highlight of the trip so far — seeing our friends of many years, Bernie and Maurice for dinner.  Sitting at their picnic table having dinner, it finally began to feel as if it all was really happening right now!

Next entry…. Day 2!
