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Boy I’m late getting back here to the blog–sorry.

Some of you know Linda, our super special sample knitter, show helper, and adopted Jewish mother 🙂 Linda took home a skein of Flamenco, and here’s her report.

First, it is easier to work with if, like ChaCha, you wind it around some cardboard. Or, another alternative is a wound ball, instead of the pull skein. The pull skein is slippery and can disintegrate into a big mess.

Linda's Flamenco Scarf

Linda's Flamenco Scarf

Here’s Linda’s favorite scarf pattern: 8 stitches across, but the stitches are every other hole apart. This results in a somewhat thinner but a longer scarf from one ball. Take a look


I think Linda really hit on something because this configuration is more susceptible to gravity. As a result the scarf gets thinner around your neck and flares at the ends. A very pretty result, don’t you think?

Go to the website to see all the colors.

