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W’e’ve really gotten connected with the magazines–Cast On, Interweave Knits, Verena…. These are the biggest bargain in knitting today.  Just take a look at the new Cast On for February-April 2009.

Cast On Feb2009

Cast On Feb2009

This is the magazine of The Knitting Guild of America–TKGA– and honestly, they aren’t very good at promoting themselves, but they’re learning!  This magazine is a great value, whether you buy it singly or subscribe.  And TKGA has so much to offer!

Cast On has been redesigned/refocused to emphasize all the great educational benefits of this organization.  There are more technical articles than before, and they span all types of knitters from absolute novice to expert.

And you know, there was a time BEFORE Ravelry, where Social Knitworking took place in your local TKGA Guild.  These groups are still there in your town, or if they aren’t, why not start one?
