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Of course we looked at yarn at TNNA, but the things that are arriving first are new tools and accessories. You might be familiar with some of them, but I’ll bet there are some you haven’t seen.

Knit Kit
Knit Kit Front View with Tools on front visible

At the first chance we got, we pounced on the Knit Kit!

This is a self-contained tool kit for crocheters and knitters both, perfect for traveling, but also very useful at home.  The photo on the right shows the front side, where you see a row counter, thread cutter, retractable measuring tape, and a snap in and out crochet hook for picking up dropped stitches. 

On the reverse is a compartment that holds a set of collapsible scissors, point protectors, stitch markers, and a darning needle, with space for more little items.  All the articles in the Knit Kit have been approved for airline and train travel by the TSA.  All in all, this tool kit is just a wonderful addition to your project bag.  See the complete description on our webpage here.

And look at these:  Permanent labels for your circular needles!

Circular Needle ID Tags

Permanent ID tags for your circular needles

These handy ID tags clip on to the cords of your circular needles, and show you the size both in US size and millimeter diameter.  The markings are etched into the plastic, so the numbers will never wear off.  Easy to see and read.

There are two sets, one for sizes 0 through 6, and one for sizes 7 and up.  Each set has more than 25 tags, with as many as 4 for the most popular sizes.   You’ll soon wonder how you did without them.  Get all the info here.

I’ll be back soon with more products from TNNA…..
