First of all, we have to say you are all in our thoughts during this difficult (some would say alarming) time.  Please stay safe, and if you can do something helpful for someone less fortunate, please do so. 

What about my Local Yarn Shop?

As some of you know, we are and have always been supporters of Local Yarn Shops.   These are the people who teach and inspire in person.

I am terribly concerned that this corona virus episode will be the death of some shops that have been ordered to close.   You can order online, from us or others, but I want to do more.

If your Local Yarn Shop is under quarantine closure orders, and you order yarn from us, we will donate 20% of your merchandise total to your Local Yarn shop as an affiliate.

All you have to do is put in your order comments 1) the name of the shop, 2) the phone number and 3) if possible, not required, the name of the owner.  I will contact them to get info on how to transfer the money.

Dyed &Gone