We first learned about Mountain Meadow Wool in a blog post that appeared right after the January 2009 TNNA show in San Diego.  Their yarn was highly praised by several reviewers, including Cat Bordhi.  This is a daring venture by two moms in north-central Wyoming to help bring the wool from local sheep ranchers to market.  They have been working on this project for over 5 years!

Mountain Meadow Wool

Mountain Meadow Wool

Being from Wyoming myself, I contacted them immediately to find out the whole story, and to see what we could do to help them grow and “get out there.”  These women are committed to not having these wonderful high-micron fleeces thrown away, and to encouraging the ranchers to make the most of their livestock in sustainable ranching methods.

>>Private comment to those of you from heavily populated states like NY, CA, IL, OH etc:  When you come from a place where there are more antelope than people, you really care about people from your home state who are trying something new like this!<<

Anyway, we’ve been communicating by email for the last 5 months, and I finally got to meet Karen and Valerie at TNNA in Columbus.  It was so much fun!  They are just the people you would want to have as neighbors, and their yarns are just wonderful, and getting better all the time.  Right now we have the worsted weight 2ply and the chunky 3ply in stock. Mountain Meadow Wool Yarn

Mountain Meadow Wool Yarn

They are also coming out with a  fingering/sport weight, and we will be carrying that soon.

This yarn is just fabulous for dyeing, with either kettle techniques or for hand painted colorings.  It’s great as is, though, with it’s natural off-white color so reminiscent of aran sweaters.  The worsted weight is on the heavy side, and will be great for any aran type pattern.  The chunky is just fabulous–so in style right now and a really quick knit.

So, so soft–Mountain Meadow Wool’s Wyoming Merino!